In early March, our world entered a period of uncertainty as the spread of COVID-19 pushed us into our homes. The shelter-in-place orders will be lifted, and our lives will resume. But the effects of social distancing and isolation will remain. The question is, how will we move forward?
Jakob van Wielink schreef samen met Audrey Eger Thompson, dochter van de wereldberoemde psycholoog en schrijver Dr. Edith Eva Eger, een essay over de onzekerheden die de Corona crisis met zich meebracht, wat dit vroeg en vraagt van leiders en welke lessen geleerd worden. Het essay is gepubliceerd in de Kosmos Journal for Global Transformation.
Van den Enden is the CEO of the midsized Bernhoven Hospital, which found its ICU pushed to the limit with almost triple its normal capacity. He put the crisis on his back and he and his middle management team pushed each other to find solutions for the tidal wave of COVID-19 patients about to present themselves to the hospital. But his normal leadership attitude was not what the situation required.
Lees de volledige essay hier:
Kosmos Journal for Global Transformation - Leading in Unknown Terrain