De Kracht van Transition Based Leiderschap - Organisaties, teams en medewerkers laten excelleren
Most of the challenges faced by managers have no quick fixes and the holy grail of leadership does not seem to be found yet. There is, however, a leadership approach that has proven to help organizations to actually transform into more positive workplaces where connection, fun, movement and sustainable growth are central. An approach that really brings the mind, heart and hands together and allows organizations to excel from there. We wrote a whitepaper about Transition Based Leadership that you can download below:
The Power of Transition Based Leadership - Getting organisations, teams and employees to excel
Leiderschap zonder (on) geplande verandering en het daarbij behorende verlies bestaat niet. Iedereen heeft zijn eigen voorbeelden. Als managers in organisaties worden we geconfronteerd met verschillende soorten verliezen: organisatorische verliezen zoals reorganisatie, fusies, overnames en faillissementen; professionele verliezen zoals degradatie, ontslag of ontslag; en persoonlijk verlies zoals het overlijden van dierbaren of collega's, echtscheiding of verhuizing; dit zijn allemaal katalysatoren voor transitie.
Deze whitepaper bouwt voort op de basis die we hebben beschreven in de whitepaper getiteld De Kracht van Transition Based Leiderschap - Organisaties, teams en medewerkers laten excelleren. Deze whitepaper is bedoeld voor alle leiders in organisaties, ongeacht hun functie of de sector waarin de organisatie opereert.
Organisaties, Verandering en Verlies - Transition based leiderschap en het vormgeven van transitie
Leadership without (un)planned change and the associated loss does not exist. Everyone has their own examples. As managers in organizations, we are confronted by different kinds of loss: organizational losses such as reorganization, mergers, acquisitions and bankruptcies; professional losses such as demotion, dismissal or redundancy; and personal losses such as the death of loved ones or colleagues, divorce, or relocation; these are all catalysts for transition.
This whitepaper continues to build on the basis we established in the whitepaper entitled The Power of Transition Based Leadership - Getting organisations, teams and employees to excel. It is intended for all leaders in organizations, regardless of their positions or the sector within which the organization operates.
Organizations, change and loss - Transition based leadership and shaping transition
Graag gaan we met u in gesprek over hoe Transition based leiderschap ook uw organisatie duurzaam verder kan laten groeien. Mogen we u uitnodigen contact met ons op te nemen voor het maken van een afspraak?
We would like to discuss with you how Transition Based Leadership can also help your organization to grow sustainably. Can we invite you to contact us to make an appointment?